Heyyyyyyyyyyy guys,
For the third installment of HEART’s Going Live series, I am so very pleased to be presenting Super Saiyan Feminism, a performance by the illustrious Maya Ben David this Thursday, November 21st at HEART!
Maya Ben David will be giving giving a 30-minute PowerPoint performance on all her deepest most depraved secrets. Just like a cabinet of curiosities, some facts are as real as ancient fossils, some truths desecrated, pulled out of context, and twisted for her amusement. Cookies will be served, and absurd pregnancy will be heavily discussed.
Super Saiyan Feminism
Maya Ben David
Thursday, November 21, 7-9 PM
Maya lives in Canada, so I feel especially lucky to be able to host her at HEART during her trip to New York City!
With her work, she says that she straddles two different worlds, the art world and YouTube. And that she is “most content when I am being validated by both.”
Really hope you can make it.
(Also) Maya (Man)